Wednesday, October 20, 2021

REVIEW: General Harvest Limited Edition


Wow... a whole lotta hype surrounding this one.  I decided to take my sweet ass time (clocking in about a half a roll of each) just to make sure I did it justice. First thing you'll notice, I didn't specify white or original portion... because as persnickety as I am, the difference is truly just format.  Do you want the extra moisture or not? Personally, I (ever so) slightly prefer the white... because when I use portions, it's typically with discretion in mind.  The original delivers flavor faster (but drips faster) and arguably offers a little more comfort initially.  If I had my choice in format, it would be loose... in fact I dissected an entire can of each to scratch that itch (no discernable difference in taste)--yeah I'm a psycho.      

Appearance: 9/10 
It's a fibrous cream label atop a plastic silver or gold can.  Gloss metallic and embossing really stand out.  It's clean, it's simple... I really like it.  Maybe it's the 'Merican in me... but I want a darker color scheme for 10/10. 
Aroma: 10/10 OMG, tobacco!!!!  Fresh earthy tobacco, with hints of straw, fallen leaves and oak.  There's faint tar and leather notes with chocolate and nuttiness buried even deeper in the background.  
Mouth Feel: 10/10 The portion material is spot on.  Gone are the days of dry and irritating white (or original) portions... now they're soft and sleek.  Oh, so comfy!
Flavor: 10/10  Surprise, surprise... everything present in the aroma is delivered in the taste.  Glorious wonderful tobacco (see above) and salt.  Additionally, there's a slight creaminess and a fair amount of spiciness.  This spiciness is often described as pepper (or horseradish) and that's accurate for the sensation, but know that it presents without the accompanying/associated flavors (i.e. black pepper is very distinct and there's none of that).  But I digress... this IS what snus should taste like.    
Nic Hit: 10/10 Regular strength, which is my preference these days.  Lasts upwards of an hour.
Drip: 9/10 This is a fairly drip resistant pouch.  That said, once it gets moist enough, it will allow some (mud)slide.  Again, a little quicker with the original.
Overall: 9.6/10 This is a phenomenal product where tobacco is the star!  I would seat this one squarely between Ettan and Grov in terms a flavor.  If you like either, I wouldn't hesitate to buy these by the roll.  Love, love,  love this shit...  definitely lives up to the hype!  Tobacco, salt and water...  just as the snus gods intended.  I sincerely hope this begets the start of a Renaissance in tobacco flavored tobacco... it's a welcomed departure from the koolaid or mouthwash flavored drivel they keep shoving down our throats en masse.  Fucking love it!     

1 comment:

  1. Howdy. Found this page from a comment on reddit. I loved these and now that I'm down to the last cans of the roll I already am missing it. I can taste the similarity between the tobacco used in this and certain chews manufactured by Pinkerton, which I thought was interesting. I think companies need to get back to their roots with releasing new natural snus in this vein. I can tell how ecstatic you are about this, haha! Would love it in a los!
