It's been a very long time since I was excited about "new" snus. This one has apparently been around for a bit, but just recently became available to the US market. Islay's boozy cousin in snus. Not being a fan of whiskey, or alcohol in general these days, rum (distilled sugar water) is a flavor I can still get behind, and La Morentia does not disappoint-this is easily my new favorite potion product.
Appearance: 11/10
This is a metal tin, painted and embossed with a fucking skull on it. In all my years doing this (20+) I have yet to see better packaging. I will be treating each empty as a treasured keepsake.
Aroma: 6/10
Does not entice my nose. Opening a fresh can, I'm hit with alcohol and ammonia... so strong it's pretty much all I can smell. After a few openings it calms down a little and some tobacco and fruit notes can be identified, but it's still taking a back seat.
Mouth Feel: 10/10
99.9% of the portions I use are Skruf or Swedish Match products... by comparison, the fullness of La Morentia (estimate 20-25% more tobacco) can really be appreciated. The portion material is soft and comfortable. A worthy contender for any A-list product.
Flavor: 12/10
They really, really, really managed something special here. I don't know if it's the tobacco blend, the rum, what the rum does to the tobacco blend or some combination of these factors... but there is so much "good" going on here. Let me preface, this is a tobacco forward snus, the flavors I'm about to rattle off are pretty subtle and nuanced but I get so many; there's fruit (papaya maybe some strawberry or cherry) then something like vanilla and graham cracker (very light peat/honey/cinnamon component). It manages to be both warm (wintery flavors) and bright (fresh summery tastes)... in some pleasant bi-polar manner where I only detect one end of the spectrum from moment to moment.
Nic Hit: 10/10
Regular strength, perhaps the high side of regular (at 12mg), but this portion doesn't have me tweaking. Lasts upwards of an hour... smooth/steady delivery.
Drip: 10/10
It's white, if well positioned/maintained completely drip resistant for the first 20-30 min. Perfect for instances where tobacco isn't socially acceptable.
Overall: 10/10
So much to love here. If I were to nitpick (which of course, I will) it would be the seal sticker (breaks and can be hard to get off) and the catch lid (inside the tin, I don't use cause afraid it will contaminate unused portions)... but those are minor complaints at best. Certainly not enough to detract from what I'll call a masterpiece! Can't wait to get my hands on the loose (coming soon).
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