Tuesday, October 29, 2013
REVIEW: What's next?
So, with the announcement that no Kardus will appear this year... well it kinda leaves me at a loss for upcoming products to review. There have been plenty of new flavors floating around, but none that strike my fancy... so it will likely mean a lull in reviews (pending the announcement of a predominately tobacco flavored tobacco). That said, I did promise a "los-off" (of RL, GB Prima Fint, and Ettan), and I have ordered accordingly, and will be cutting as soon as they land. If a surprise flavor lands in my order, I'll review it too (even if it's the mint/koolaid stuff). I'll also work towards a few more "TASTE" pairings in the near future.
NEWS: Kardus Follow Up
*sigh* So, it's confirmed from an irrefutable source.... Direct from Swedish Match:
Thank you for contacting us.
Swedish Match will not bear any Kardus this year.
Consumer Contact / Sara"
Thank you for contacting us.
Swedish Match will not bear any Kardus this year.
Consumer Contact / Sara"
Thursday, October 24, 2013
BAD NEWS: Kardus Superior Blend 2013
Well guys, I have it from a very reliable source that Swedish Match will not be producing a Kardus Superior Blend for 2013. That's right... no Kardus this year (hence the sad cat). It's honestly not that surprising as expensive as it's become--over $7/g gram BEFORE shipping cost... sadly much of that cost is in packaging (another reason I think it fails to take off)--note my comments on cost being the reason for this year's lack of yumminess is just speculation, but I'm willing to bet it's pretty accurate.
Anyway, if you've been following my blog, you know I'm a hopeless fanboy of the old Kardus Premium Blend (may it rest in peace)... and always look forward to the annual release of the Superior blend... if for no other reason than to have something that vaguely resembles my first snus-love... and for that, I'm willing to pay virtually any price (and pay through the teeth for a silly box) in order to treat myself once a year. That said, I really wish Swedish Match would revisit the Kardus Premium Blend (an everyday top shelf snus in reasonable packaging)... which I think would do well at as much as 2x the cost of other "premium" brands like General, Skruf etc. But keep reading, as it doesn't sound like that's going to happen anytime soon...
My source did add a bit of sweet to offset this bitter news... and that's to expect something special/exciting from Swedish Match early 2014. No idea what it will be, aside from knowing it won't be part of the Kardus lineup.
I feel a little special (and not the typical short-bus special), because to my knowledge, I'm the first to report any info on the topic. Does this mean Snustastings is now a legitimate Snus News resource? Um... I wouldn't count on it folks *grins* EDIT, scratch that... I hear Chad over at Snubie beat me to this with a video last night (I missed it). I'm more than happy to leave the "firsts" to the professionals *grins* Now I can just go back to being my usual short-bus special!
'Til next time... Happy Snusing!!!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
NEWS: Ermahgerd!!! The return of "free cans"
So I got an order in yesterday (almost 3 months to the date, damn I'm good at predicting these things, huh?) AND as the title implies, I got an awesome surprise.... 2 free/sample/surprise/gift cans of Oden's Creamy Wintergreen Extreme. Now, I re-gifted them (immediately)... you know how I feel about mint/sweet snus--so don't expect me to review them (read: pick 'em apart). That said... it's been YEARS since I've had a surprise variety show up in with my snus order and I couldn't be more happy about it (even if it's only to give them away). For what it's worth, they did go to a good home... I have a buddy in the office that does Grizzly Wintergreen (and has been flirting with switching to snus)... so I'm sure he'll find it a very nice change of pace. In keeping with my "mission" (not being a tool for tobacco or tobacco distributors)... I'm not going to say which snus shop made my day... BUT if you read between the lines (hint: in my order was a a roll of General Licorice Classic that I only paid for 7 cans of) you'll know which I typically use *grins*
Well... just wanted to share some pleasant news (and keep some momentum going with my posts).
'Til next time.... HAPPY SNUSING!!!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
REVIEW: NEW Thunder Ultra Brandy Alexander
As predicted, I've been woefully busy (with moving, busy season at work... uh... life). So this is coming much later than intended... BUT I'm making time for it because I know it's important to other members in the snus community. So you know flavors aren't my thing when it comes to snus... this one isn't going to have me eating my words... but, it's definitely one I can appreciate, and will even add to my ordering rotation from time to time. So without further adieu, here comes the long-promised Brandy Alexander Review.
Appearance: 8/10 WOW, that's a loud can. One thing the image won't show is the fact that the label is mirrored, and almost appears chrome. That, and the smaller catch lid are the only points I'm docking here... because otherwise, it's pretty bad ass. Black can, silver/shiny label (loud or not, it's well done)... and typical "THUNDER" in edgy fonts. All in all, far from the worst looking snus can on the market.
Aroma: 9/10 OH so sweet, OH so potent! It smells of brandy (alcohol), chocolate, tobacco... lots of non traditional snus smells here, and the fact that a purist like me isn't ripping it apart for such speaks volumes on how I feel about it (er... for the idiots out there, that means I like it).
Mouth Feel: 9/10 Hey, it's an original portion... meaning it's moist, and comfortable. Material is nice... just the right amount of slack.
Flavor: 10/10 Okay, a 10/10 on a flavored snus... setting my bias aside, this one is done very well. Much like the smell... chocolate and brandy-wine are right up front. It's got a nice creamy note to it, and (I can't believe I'm saying this) a pleasant sweetness--and I HATE sweet snus. That said... in this instance it works, in fact it needs it. There are also wafts of vanilla happening, some caramel... you know, for all my gourmet-ing (and boozing), I've never had a Brandy Alexander... but from what I've read, this sounds like a fair (if not spot on) representation.
Nic Hit: 6.5/10 This is the only "needs improvement" category for this snus... not that it's lacking in nicotine (much the opposite)... OMFG is it strong! So much so, that I find myself capped at 20-30 min with ONE portion. This is a high octane snus that hits hard out of the gate, and honestly in my one can I wasn't able to keep one in long enough to see if/when the nicotine hit starts to fade.
Drip: 8/10 For as moist as this snus is (and it's way up there), I didn't have much issue with drip. That might be due to the fact that I could only keep them in for a short time (when I'm often 1hr+ with other snuses).
Overall: 9/10 I'm rounding this one up to minimize the subjective factor. In all fairness, this is a well done flavored snus, that is very unique (i.e. not mint or fruit). Honestly, I like it. I would like it more as a candy (think Werther's Originals)... but it's a great way to change up the snus routine for me, and I could see it being a regular for many.
Since this flavor has come and gone in the past, I'd encourage you to order it, as I'm sure sales will be the deciding factor on whether or not it's here in the future--and honestly, it wouldn't hurt my feelings if this one stuck around. So.... go buy some!
'Til next time... happy snusing!!!
Friday, July 26, 2013
NEWS: Having fun breaking promises (alternative title: what did you expect?)
Howdy snus tasters... long time no post, right? In fact, this has probably been the longest lull since I started this little misadventure. Well... things have been picking up for me both at work and in my personal life, so my opportunities and motivation to write have been waning. That said, I do have a few promises that I intend to break... namely, reviewing my homemade snus (while it is very tasty, I want to spend some more time perfecting it), AND getting around to my last batch of mini portions (that mint catch and mocca stuff I got for the little redhead)... yeah, it went too quick, and the chance to review has long since passed. So, sorry!!! *grins* But what did you expect? I DO hate minty snus with a passion, so it only makes sense that I'd slack off when it comes to writing about them. Well... so as to not COMPLETELY break my promise... my (highly biased) summary on those is... "minty.... ick!" :P I can also add the domestically available General Mint White, and General Mint (er... American? well the shit in the rectangular can)--and I'll take it a step further and say "sickeningly sweet, gag-a-maggot... ick" for this one... not quite as bad as camel/marlboro... but still too close for my comfort... only use as a last resort. Yeah, picked both of those up out of necessity when I needed some portions on my recent vacation. Which leads me to my next point... don't be cheap, keep some good portions on hand just in case *nods*
That said, fresh reviews of Ettan Los and RL Los are STILL on the way... also to be accompanied by an editorial-type comparison of my (now) three favorite Swedish Match loose snuses (those two and GB Prima Fint). Since I've spent so much time (re)familiarizing myself with these... you can expect volumes on the subject.
I've been tap dancing around the subject (with the elegance of a bull in a china shop), but as much as I've enjoyed my los kick.... I've missed the convenience of portions too much. So I pulled the trigger on an order today (what prompted me to write this little teaser). A certain snus site is doing buy2/get1 on rolls of my new favorite Grov Stark Portions... so... being the thrifty/miserly fuck that I am, couldn't pass it up... I know, I know... already reviewed that one (still my most popular post)... but I did manage to sneak a can of N&J Cactus Spike, AND Thunder Brandy Alexander on with it. The Brandy Alexander comes highly recommended by another reviewer (his favorite, one that's had shaky availability at best)... knowing all too well the pain of losing a beloved favorite snus, I'm more than happy to support his cause and pitch in (even if it's just the one can).... and I'll encourage my readers to do the same (both here and in the review). So, that's a little taste of what to expect in the next week/10 days.
Til then, Happy Snusing!!!
That said, fresh reviews of Ettan Los and RL Los are STILL on the way... also to be accompanied by an editorial-type comparison of my (now) three favorite Swedish Match loose snuses (those two and GB Prima Fint). Since I've spent so much time (re)familiarizing myself with these... you can expect volumes on the subject.
I've been tap dancing around the subject (with the elegance of a bull in a china shop), but as much as I've enjoyed my los kick.... I've missed the convenience of portions too much. So I pulled the trigger on an order today (what prompted me to write this little teaser). A certain snus site is doing buy2/get1 on rolls of my new favorite Grov Stark Portions... so... being the thrifty/miserly fuck that I am, couldn't pass it up... I know, I know... already reviewed that one (still my most popular post)... but I did manage to sneak a can of N&J Cactus Spike, AND Thunder Brandy Alexander on with it. The Brandy Alexander comes highly recommended by another reviewer (his favorite, one that's had shaky availability at best)... knowing all too well the pain of losing a beloved favorite snus, I'm more than happy to support his cause and pitch in (even if it's just the one can).... and I'll encourage my readers to do the same (both here and in the review). So, that's a little taste of what to expect in the next week/10 days.
Til then, Happy Snusing!!!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
NEWS: Cool retro cans for Ettan and Grov Loose
Of course, days after my order lands... Swedish Match decides to make their old school (1967) cans available for a limited time. They look fantastic, and will be great for the collector. Find them at your favorite snus vendor!!!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
NEWS: less reviews coming soon!
I'm going through the joy of a move (end of July), and going to have to be thrifty with my snus habit as a result. So I'm taking advantage of a certain Midsommar sale (yay 40% off), and buying los favorites. RL, Ettan, and GB Prima Fint. Given the stock I already have, this is going to put me upwards of 3 months (likely more) from my next order. So, just a warning... things are going to be a little more quiet on the review front for the foreseeable future. Looks like I'll have to try a little harder with those editorials, and taste pieces to supplement content. That said, the little lady and I have yet to get to the latest mini's (Catch Eucalyptus and Mocca Mint), and I'll be able to give a fresh review of Ettan and Roda Lacket los... OH, and I'm finally ready to give a review of my homemade snus (the latest result is good enough to talk about here... FINALLY). So I guess that's still 5 more reviews before summer is out... hopefully about the time this year's vintage of Kardus is available (can't wait for that). Meh, that's it for now. Til next time, happy snusing!!!
Friday, June 14, 2013
IMHO: Snus War--Sweden vs. the EU (dictating snus)
About two weeks ago, I went on a rant about the "nanny state" bullshit the US govt shoves down our throats... you know, the post culminating in "suck my balls", regarding the pact act? Well, if any of you pay attention to the news ticker on this site, you probably have an idea of what's going on. If not, here comes my (very abbreviated, and HIGHLY interpretative) version. The EU is not only continuing it's union wide ban on our favorite tobacco product, but is also getting ready to pass a new anti tobacco initiative that has serious implications on snus as we know it. At the core of this initiative are three main points:
1.) Packaging/marketing... they want to make all tobacco products look the same. Simple, plain labels etc... the reason being, they don't want tobacco products being bought because they're "pretty", "shiny", or look unique. In other words, the powers that be are under the assumption that their subjects (hey, that's how they're being treated), are too stupid to realize the implications of a tobacco product if it's in a pretty package. As far as practical application is concerned... this point poses the least threat to our snus. That said, if I were a European, I'd be pretty fucking insulted right now... I mean, your government must think you are ALL a bunch of full blown, short-bus-riding, retards (read: window-lickers, simpletons, mentally hadicapped, idiots), to say to you "Er.... we don't think you're bright enough to associate the risks of tobacco, with tobacco... IF that tobacco is... uh... in a pretty package". Really? I'm so glad the govt cares... O.o ***EDIT*** It seems this has been scratched from the bill since my last reading (in other words, big tobacco lobbyist's won... imagine that)
2.) Flavoring... this point pretty much follows the first one. But instead of being about a pretty package, it's about the flavor profile of the snus. So the EU says "Er... we don't think you are bright enough to associate the risks of tobacco, with tobacco... IF that tobacco doesn't... uh... taste like tobacco". Yet another insult to the people's intelligence. If you've been following my blog, you know I'm not a fan of flavors... in fact, a tiny selfish part of me (read: my inner douchebag) wants to support this in expectation of all the yummy unflavored snus that would surely be produced to fill the MASSIVE void this would leave in current offerings. But... that damn pesky thing called integrity won't allow me to. The fact is, flavors are popular with the majority, and in this instance... the logic is flawed. Flavors alone do not make tobacco more risky, maybe more accessible to some... so I guess the point is to narrow the audience. That said, I can see merit in the argument that flavors (i.e. strawberry, candy-like, bubblegum etc) might attract kids... but guess what? The government has absolutely no business policing that... it's up to the child's parents/guardians to make sure they don't use tobacco. This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine, people expecting the govt to enact laws so they don't have to parent their children. Let's look at the flip-side of that coin (narrowing the audience)... say a would be ex smoker, that finds unflavored tobacco unpalatable, had a mint snus brand they could tolerate. So... losing that mint brand they opt to go back on the cancer sticks, assuming 99x more risk. Regardless of how you look at it, this point too is supremely insulting, and just plain rubbish.
3.) Tobacco products must contain (at least) 85% tobacco. This one right here... this would be the end of snus as we know it. Because your typical snus is upwards of 50% water. Now, I do get this in regards to cigarettes... where fillers and chemical additives run rampant... but snus? It has absolutely no application, unless they intend to ban... fucking... water.... ehem... fucking... water. *sigh*
I feel for the Europeans (especially the Swedes)... who's freedoms and liberties are being squashed under the heel of a nanny state... I mean, of course I do... I'm a goddamn American, and at this point in the game you'd think we'd invented the shit. But we're all apparently dumbasses, incapable of making such decisions on our own. While I realize that tobacco (more specifically THE SMOKING of tobacco) is a major public health concern... of epic proportions... that needs to be addressed... (read: however misguided, there is some point to all this), but this is the kind of bullshit that happens when you allow a government do our job for us. A solution, a true, PROVEN solution, like the significantly reduced-harm alternative of Swedish Snus, gets fucked over in the name of public health (ironically at the expense of public health). Why? Because the govt has it right... by and large the majority is too fucking stupid to solve their own problems, and instead of letting natural selection (read: Darwinism) cull that dim-witted herd, we end up allowing our governments to protect them (in the name of public interests). The result? The human race fails to evolve... this kind of stupidity is perpetuated... and the thinking, intellectually superior minority (read: me... :P okay, AND my readers) get held down by the masses. A shit state of affairs my friend... shit state indeed.
Lucky for me I've come a long way in my "homemade snus" project in case this does happen... further strengthening my resolve to add growing my own tobacco to my victory garden next year.
For what's it worth, I'll be hoping for the best for my friends in Europe and Sweden... maybe just maybe there are enough enlightened folks with a voice to make a difference for you. We can only hope! Instead of my usual "Happy Snusing", I'm leaving you with... Enjoy it while it lasts! :(
Meh, here's another piece of political satire to help lighten (my obviously shitty) mood.
1.) Packaging/marketing... they want to make all tobacco products look the same. Simple, plain labels etc... the reason being, they don't want tobacco products being bought because they're "pretty", "shiny", or look unique. In other words, the powers that be are under the assumption that their subjects (hey, that's how they're being treated), are too stupid to realize the implications of a tobacco product if it's in a pretty package. As far as practical application is concerned... this point poses the least threat to our snus. That said, if I were a European, I'd be pretty fucking insulted right now... I mean, your government must think you are ALL a bunch of full blown, short-bus-riding, retards (read: window-lickers, simpletons, mentally hadicapped, idiots), to say to you "Er.... we don't think you're bright enough to associate the risks of tobacco, with tobacco... IF that tobacco is... uh... in a pretty package". Really? I'm so glad the govt cares... O.o ***EDIT*** It seems this has been scratched from the bill since my last reading (in other words, big tobacco lobbyist's won... imagine that)
2.) Flavoring... this point pretty much follows the first one. But instead of being about a pretty package, it's about the flavor profile of the snus. So the EU says "Er... we don't think you are bright enough to associate the risks of tobacco, with tobacco... IF that tobacco doesn't... uh... taste like tobacco". Yet another insult to the people's intelligence. If you've been following my blog, you know I'm not a fan of flavors... in fact, a tiny selfish part of me (read: my inner douchebag) wants to support this in expectation of all the yummy unflavored snus that would surely be produced to fill the MASSIVE void this would leave in current offerings. But... that damn pesky thing called integrity won't allow me to. The fact is, flavors are popular with the majority, and in this instance... the logic is flawed. Flavors alone do not make tobacco more risky, maybe more accessible to some... so I guess the point is to narrow the audience. That said, I can see merit in the argument that flavors (i.e. strawberry, candy-like, bubblegum etc) might attract kids... but guess what? The government has absolutely no business policing that... it's up to the child's parents/guardians to make sure they don't use tobacco. This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine, people expecting the govt to enact laws so they don't have to parent their children. Let's look at the flip-side of that coin (narrowing the audience)... say a would be ex smoker, that finds unflavored tobacco unpalatable, had a mint snus brand they could tolerate. So... losing that mint brand they opt to go back on the cancer sticks, assuming 99x more risk. Regardless of how you look at it, this point too is supremely insulting, and just plain rubbish.
3.) Tobacco products must contain (at least) 85% tobacco. This one right here... this would be the end of snus as we know it. Because your typical snus is upwards of 50% water. Now, I do get this in regards to cigarettes... where fillers and chemical additives run rampant... but snus? It has absolutely no application, unless they intend to ban... fucking... water.... ehem... fucking... water. *sigh*
I feel for the Europeans (especially the Swedes)... who's freedoms and liberties are being squashed under the heel of a nanny state... I mean, of course I do... I'm a goddamn American, and at this point in the game you'd think we'd invented the shit. But we're all apparently dumbasses, incapable of making such decisions on our own. While I realize that tobacco (more specifically THE SMOKING of tobacco) is a major public health concern... of epic proportions... that needs to be addressed... (read: however misguided, there is some point to all this), but this is the kind of bullshit that happens when you allow a government do our job for us. A solution, a true, PROVEN solution, like the significantly reduced-harm alternative of Swedish Snus, gets fucked over in the name of public health (ironically at the expense of public health). Why? Because the govt has it right... by and large the majority is too fucking stupid to solve their own problems, and instead of letting natural selection (read: Darwinism) cull that dim-witted herd, we end up allowing our governments to protect them (in the name of public interests). The result? The human race fails to evolve... this kind of stupidity is perpetuated... and the thinking, intellectually superior minority (read: me... :P okay, AND my readers) get held down by the masses. A shit state of affairs my friend... shit state indeed.
Lucky for me I've come a long way in my "homemade snus" project in case this does happen... further strengthening my resolve to add growing my own tobacco to my victory garden next year.
For what's it worth, I'll be hoping for the best for my friends in Europe and Sweden... maybe just maybe there are enough enlightened folks with a voice to make a difference for you. We can only hope! Instead of my usual "Happy Snusing", I'm leaving you with... Enjoy it while it lasts! :(
Meh, here's another piece of political satire to help lighten (my obviously shitty) mood.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
NEWS: Gotland's Summer Snus (wild strawberry)
Is up and available for sale.... limited time, so if you're going to get it, scamper off to your favorite snus vendor and get it while the getting is good! I'm a fan of seasonal's... for sure, having had this in years past... (and considering my current, ample, personal snus inventory), I can say not to expect a review this time around. That said, I'll tell you what I can from memory (of last year's batch). Mainly, if you do go for this one, it should be because you love strawberries. This is another that's honestly a little too sweet for my taste, but the strawberry flavor was fantastic, and (like with many seasonal's) a great change of pace. A perfect follow up to any cookout, strawberry shortcake or a stiff daiquiri *grins*. A fun summer snus. Happy Snusing!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
REVIEW: Goteborgs Prima Fint Los (loose)
Appearance: 7/10 Baby blue label (okay maybe teal or electric... but whatever it is, it doesn't appeal to my machismo spirit *grins*), cardboard can, gold plastic lid. Honestly, I'd score it lower (for the blue) if it didn't have a redeeming retro feel to it. But as it stands, it's simple, it's straightforward, it's too not embarrassing to have sitting next to your glass at a bar.
Aroma: 10/10 clean fresh tobacco
Mouth Feel: 10/10 its a los... moreover, it's a very mold-able, clay like los. So no excuses in getting the perfect amount for the perfect fit.
Flavor: 10/10 Pure mild tobacco. It's fresh. The perfect level of sodium. A slight slight slight sweet hint. Words don't do this justice... but more attempts below.
Nic Hit: 10/10 It's a standard (~8mg/g) snus, but it's a los... put in as much or as little needed to satisfy your cravings.
Drip: 7/10 Like it's cousins (Roda and Ettan)... this is a VERY finely ground snus. As such, it's just a matter of time before little grains start coating your teeth.
Overall: 9.8/10 If you're a math nazi, you noticed I didn't go with a straight average here. Because in spite of it's drawbacks (meh packaging and mudmouth) it's a FANTASTIC TASTING SNUS!!!!
Well... I scored this one before I even started talking about it (shocking right?), so I could explain why it's better than my rating system. Which I can do by simply saying... "I'm all about taste and this one delivers in spades". Now, for the more in depth look. It's mild, it's subtle... but it's complex in that subtlety... a little sweet, a little salty, a little earthy, an ever so slight moss... a little of everything.... well, everything BUT the offensive, literally nothing in the flavor to offend any palate. This one is right in there with RL and Ettan los in all respects (except for having a little flavor added). For a purist like myself, this snus is heaven... and I am more than willing to overlook the package, and mudmouth, in favor of it's fantastic taste. In fact, I'm a little embarrassed to have tried it before and overlooked what a winner it is. That said, the last time I had this I was so deeply in love with Kardus Premium... that I wasn't ready to give it the attention it deserves. So I'm going to give this the honorary title of a "sleeper favorite". The perfect example of Swedish snus done right. Now it only comes in loose, so if that's not your thing... sorry you're going to miss out... otherwise, my rave review ends thusly "run... don't walk... to try it, TRY IT NOW"!!! Until next time, happy snusing!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
REVIEW: NEW General Classic Licorice Original Portion
As far as I'm concerned, this snus has generated the most excitement I've had since last year's Kardus announcement. Let me be the first to say, it didn't disappoint. This review in 3 words: "best licorice snus on the market", okay 6 words, but the first three do sum it up *grins*
Appearance: 9.5/10 Nice black can, full size catch lid. Black labels, yellow accent... it's just nice, clean and simple. The reason it loses a half point here is General's logo (really not a fan of frilly fonts on tobacco).
Aroma: 10/10 Exactly what you'd expect a licorice snus to smell like... clean black licorice (anise/licorice root), and tobacco.
Mouth Feel: 9/10 It's the same portion material used in the new Grov Stark (same can for that matter), and it is moist, nice room for in the portion for movement/positioning, and while a little abrasive, I haven't found it irritating.
Flavor: 10/10 Licorice, tobacco, salt. (read: no sweeteners to muddy the waters). There is also a good deal of the signature "General Spiciness" going on. If you're a fan of the "salt licorice" Swedish candy, you absolutely can't miss this one.
Nic Hit: 9/10 Standard 8mg/g of nicotine. Comes on fast (almost immediate), but lasts up to an hour no problem. Really satisfies.
Drip: 8/10 It's an original portion, so drip is imminent. That said, I have had worse.
Overall: 9.3/10 A very fair assessment, as far as licorice snus is concerned it's 10/10. I'd love to see a los on this one.
General has definitely hit a home run here. Calling it "Classic Licorice" is spot on, as this one is destined to become an instant classic, and will be ordered frequently by yours truly.
REVIEW: NEW Goteborgs Rape Summer Edition 2013 Havtorn
A very enjoyable white portion snus from Swedish Match. With the taste of unsweetened peach tea, and spicy straight tobacco. I'm getting to this one quick (and even rushing my review a bit) due to limited availability.
Appearance: 7/10 It's a slight variant of the typical GB Rape white packaging. The smaller catch lid, metallic label. A-okay, but nothing special going on here.
Aroma: 7/10 Peach, peach and more peach. As refined as my pallet is, I couldn't honestly pick out "passion fruit" in a lineup, so if it's there, I'll just call it fruity.
Mouth Feel: 5/10 Swedish Match's regular white portions, aren't my favorite. Don't get me wrong, the starburst pattern looks really cool. But they leave little slack in the material (for comfortable positioning), and the material is dry (which leads to irritation in my lip).
Flavor: 9/10 The flavor profile of this one is great, if peach is your thing, and you don't appreciate added sweetener in your tobacco (like me). As said above, this one has a nice spice element (which compliments fruit notes excellently imo).
Nic Hit: 8/10 Standard 8mg/g nicotine. Comes on metered, and delivers for a long time... really satisfies.
Drip: 9/10 White portion, good on the drip (again, it's no lab series), but by the end of the day you will see a tint.
Overall: 7.5/10 Just going with the straight average here, you may want to weigh/curve this score up due to limited availability, or if peach is your flavor.
That overall score shouldn't be off putting in any way... this is quality Swedish snus, with a great taste, that's a great change of pace--which is precisely the goal of a seasonal, and GB hit the nail on the head in that respect. I'll cherish my can (it's sitting in the fridge now, awaiting my next trip to the pool *grins*), and if unsweetened peach snus sounds like a win to you, I'd order a roll before it's gone.
Friday, June 7, 2013
REVIEW: NEW Skruf Nord 66 Degrees Strong White
OMFG... what a fantastic snus! Before reading this, read my Skruf review (#2 all time favorites). Okay, done? Great! Now, I'm going to say that this is everything I love about Skruf, minus everything I don't (packaging & rose oil). But, being the overly critical bastard that I am, I'm going to present you with a few chinks in the armor... namely format, and complexity. My bone with the format option is that if you want this strength/flavor profile, you're left with only a white portion... no loose (which I can only dream about), OR regular (moist) portion without jumping up to an extra strong... which is often too much nicotine, even for a tweeker like me *grins* Now, on to the point about complexity... you know the old adage "be careful what you wish for"? Well, that has some (albeit rather limited) application here. With that rose oil goes an element of complexity in the flavor... it's not flat, or boring by any stretch of the imagination, but there isn't a lot going on... I've yet to truly decide if that's a good or a bad thing. That said, if I had to pick between the traditional Skruf Strong White, and the Nord 66 version... I would pick the Nord 66 every, single, time... because with it, there is no ever present flavor to tire of. In other words, they DID make a good thing better! So kudos to Skruf on a job well done!
Well, here goes the first crack at that rating system...
Appearance: 8/10 The grey can is a nice improvement over the white (which I think looks like cosmetics), but the graphics seem a bit "busy" (read: trying too hard). Only looses one point for that, it loses a second point for the traditional 2/3's catch lid (only because larger, full size ones are available now).
Aroma: 9/10 Pure, fresh tobacco... ever so inviting
Mouth Feel: 7.5/10 The portions are a very comfortable material, but alas it's a white, and all white's are a tad dry. Otherwise, there is plenty of slack in the pouch to get the tobacco situated
Flavor: 9/10 The only thing keeping this from a 10 is the lack of complexity mentioned above. It's mild in this respect (read: no heavy spice notes), fresh tobacco, very straightforward.
Nic Hit: 10/10 Skruf strong (3/4 on their scale) is the perfect nicotine level for my addiction. One portion will get the job done with no problem. It sneaks up on you kind of slowly, and maintains steadily for up to an hour. Times when you need an extra kick, throwing in a second won't be too rough either... though I can only stand it for about 15-20min, before feeling overdosed.
Drip: 9/10 This is a very drip friendly snus (as far as keeping the teeth white goes), but it's no lab series, and come the end of the day, you will see a little tent to the smile.
Overall: 9/10 The average would be 8.6, but I'm rounding this one up just because I can, and because I think it deserves it.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
REVIEW: Standardizing the Process
Okay, so this effort isn't likely to make my review process anymore objective... but, I think it will go a long way to adding some cohesiveness to the process. In addition to my usual ramblings, I'm going to add a rating system to my reviews. Yes, I will retroactively add these to previous reviews (might even polish up some grammar while I'm at it *grins*). The rating system (on a scale of 0.0-10.0) will be as follows:
Appearance - packaging, presentation
Aroma - *sniff*
Mouth Feel - how the snus treats your lip
Flavor - how it tastes, and how long it lasts
Nic Hit - delivery of nicotine... both content and duration
Drip - how well it treats your teeth
Overall - could be an average, or sometimes weighted (to accommodate something truly special)
Also, I'll be reserving the title "NEW" for snuses reviewed within ~90 days of their release.
***EDIT*** So I got around to adding the scale to my previous reviews. On my living favorites (where I'm reviewing brands as opposed to cans) I decided to go with just the Overall, too many variables in different formats (white, original, loose, mini etc) for me to be assed with *grins*
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
REVIEW: Latest Order... First Impressions
So I teased that these would be coming last week, and honestly they just landed yesterday... so I'm going to need a little more time with each to formulate a strong opinion. To "buy" that time, I'm going to give you my first impression on the one's I've tried so far (all but the mini's). First and foremost Skruf Nord 66 degrees. The Nordic Breeze (mint/licorice) is a complete and total pass for me. I tried one portion, and gave the can to a friend at work. Not surprising considering my aversion to mint snus, but this one was also overly sweet imo (not quite as bad as American Snuhss) but too close for my comfort. But in the interest of giving you some sort of review, I'll say... it's a sweet, mild mint with strong licorice notes. The Skruf quality is there, and if you don't mind a sweet(er) snus, and can appreciate this flavor profile, I think you'll find it very enjoyable. Now, on to the Nord 66 strong white portion... this one is amazing... everything I like about Skruf minus the "grandma's soap"/rose oil flavor. Wow, it's yummy!!! This one I'm going to need to spend a lot of time with to do it justice... but expect a rave review. Next, General Classic licorice portion... again yum! Not sweet, none of the usual "metallic" General taste... great licorice notes... quite possibly my favorite licorice snus to date... expect good things here too. GB Summer Edition... also surprisingly good (I say "also/surprisingly", because I didn't expect much from this or the General).... this is another I'm going to have to spend some time with to give you a proper review, but great fruity taste... and last but not least GB Prima Fint loose... hands down my favorite of the bunch (out of a long list of winners)... see my Roda Lacket, and Ettan reviews... now imagine no smoke/fruity notes. This one is going to get a seat in my hall of fame *nods* When I return to the reviewing, expect a LOT of juicy details on these (and the mini's--likely by way of a guest review). Til next time, Happy Snusing!!!
Friday, May 31, 2013
SNUS 101: Snus and value
Reflecting on my order today, I can't help but notice a trend in snus... that should be readily apparent, but since I'm a huge fan of redundancy... I'm going to point it out. I'm going to point it out. I'm going to point it out *grins* What am I pointing out? The cost of convenience... that's what. Namely, that the cost of los/loose, portions, and mini portions are essentially the same, but the amount of tobacco you get drops substantially as you move down that list. Assuming the cost of a can is $5, you pay the same $5 for 40-45g of los ($0.125/g), that you do for 24 1g ($0.21/g) of standard portions, that you do for 24 .5g ($0.42/g) of mini portions. In other words, the hands down best value in regards to snus will be found in los, the lowest value ($ per gram anyway) will be found in mini's. That said, I'm sure this is fair, working for a manufacturer I know all too well the cost involved in packaging... and relatively speaking when you buy loose, you're buying in bulk. That said, each has it's place, and when needed... I certainly don't mind the respective cost... but it's something to be mindful of when placing orders. Let's examine the merits of all three. Beginning with los, again the highest g:$ ratio... easily the best flavor delivery and most comfortable. You can choose the size of your pris, so (at least for a time) it can be very discreet. Where los begins losing the value war is in "drip", the tobacco particles will eventually begin to migrate (regardless of how tight your pris is) and in time you will get mudmouth. Then there is also the trouble of forming a pris, and it's a good deal more difficult to get it out of your lip once it's in there, long story short, you've got the potential to be messy. In fact, in a professional or social setting... getting that pris out will likely require a trip to the bathroom... a fair amount of spitting, and a follow up rinse of the mouth. This is where portions rule... the old adage "no assembly required". You pop it in when you want it, and pop it out when you're done... your can even has a nice catch lid if no trashcan is nearby. That said, the portion is (close to) 1g, and fairly limited (as far as spreading out goes) by the size of the teabag material. So it's often difficult (if not impossible) to be completely discreet with it's positioning... this is doubly true if you have a small mouth (ladies, little guys). Which is where mini's shine... they're tiny enough that they remain completely invisible under lip, on pretty much anyone, under pretty much any circumstance (smiling etc). Given the taboo of women and smokeless, I can see why mini's are more popular among the finer sex. With a mini in, literally no one will know. So you pay for the respective convenience of each. For me, I use los when I'm at home, or have few appointments at the office... regular portions when I'm out and about, white's if am concerned about mudmouth, and mini portions when I want absolutely no one to know I'm getting my fix. Don't get me wrong... for all the discretion talk... los and regular portions can be kept discreet under the right conditions (i.e. avoiding big toothy grins, properly managing your pris/portion etc)... but it requires some management and attention on your part. In fact, I began using los, and my boss (who I talk to multiple times daily) didn't know I was using it for years until I told her... but the more observant may pick up on it... and it all depends on how "secret" you want your tobacco habit to be. Definitely something to consider when you're buying your snus. Til next time, happy snusing!
REVIEW: NEW Catch Madison Avenue White Mini
I just got back from a lunch out with my sweetie--a wonderful break in my work day. Anyway, as we were wrapping up our meal, and I went for my snus (Grov Stark... today), I noticed... "oh, shit" it's in my snus fridge at the office :( Lucky for me the little redhead had a few of these in her purse, even luckier for me, she was willing to spare two (of the three in her can). I know, I know... how does an ass like me get so lucky? *grins* I figured I'd honor her sacrifice with a review of her snus. One look at the can, and all I think is "awe, how cute"... it's a teeny tiny can (easily half the size of typical), with a little catch lid, and the portions are typical white mini (wait for it... about 1/2 or less the size of normal). The portions come in that ever so familiar Swedish Match blossom/spiral... so neatly arranged. Upon opening the can, you're met with a sweet mint smell. The mint is mild, nothing like american dip. It's described as a caramel mint, and while I can definitely see that... when blended with tobacco, the flavor I pick up is more akin to Girl Scout's... Thin Mints! Of course, with plenty of savory and tobacco notes. These are again teeny tiny and uber discreet. Me, being used to strong (or at least) full-sized portions... well, I have to double barrel them (read: two at a time) for any hope of getting my accustomed nicotine fix. Considering they're mint and sweet... they're not my thing... and as such I'm not going to give these a stellar review... but I will say that it's very pleasing, and it did do a good job of getting me back to the office (sans nicotine fit) where I promptly spit it out in favor of the yummy Grov in my snus fridge. That said, I know she absolutely loves these... so I'm going to give them a big thumbs up on her behalf. Til next time... happy snusing!
Appearance: 10/10 For what it is (a cute mini can) it's really good looking.
Aroma: 10/10
Mouth Feel: 7/10 Between the white, and the mini... just doesn't feel enjoyable, or fill up the lip like one would hope.
Flavor: 8/10 Too sweet for my taste, but otherwise yummy.
Nic Hit: 6/10 Get's the job done (with two), all mini's would need to be a minimum of sterk/strong to ever be considered a regular user.
Drip: 9/10
Overall: 8.3/10
IMHO: PACT Act (alternative title: ...suck my balls)
Disdain among the snus community regarding the PACT Act is nothing new... since it's enactment we've seen the price of snus skyrocket, the cost of shipping from Sweden nearly tripled... the net effect, I end up paying twice what I did when I began snusing. That said, cigarettes have followed a similar course so the relative savings is still there, but it's been a swift kick in the wallet none the less. As a professional buyer/miser this has been quiet irksome, but even more irritating is all the stuff I'm no longer allowed to get. My snus orders used to come with all kinds of "prizes". For instance, I have plenty of General and Ettan apparel from the good ol' days, a GB Rape neoprene laptop sleeve... and all kinds of other cool shit (bottle openers, pens etc). I also used to get surprise sample snus with every order (usually new flavors, etc)... and sadly all that has come to and end. I know what you're thinking... "Adam it's been this way for years why are you bitching now?" Well, I'm bitching now because of a peripheral seen on buysnus, the General waterproof can, that has a "not for sale in the US" disclosure. It can't be sold here because it sports a tobacco brand logo... and of course if you've been following my blog, you know that I don't even especially like General... but this piece seems a very practical, affordable and utilitarian alternative to the icetool snusboxes... that I'd happily pay to own, but I'm not allowed to have it, because it bares the name of a tobacco brand that 99.8% of Americans have never even heard of. As an ode to the douchebags who enact such policy, I sarcastically leave you with the lyrics to the theme song of Team America, World Police *winks*... because shit like this has it playing on a continuous loop in my head... well, enjoy:
America, FUCK YEAH!
Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,
America, FUCK YEAH!
Freedom is the only way yeah,
Terrorists your game is through cause now you have to answer too,
America, FUCK YEAH!
So lick my butt, and suck on my balls,
America, FUCK YEAH!
What you going to do when we come for you now,
it’s the dream that we all share; it’s the hope for tomorrow
McDonalds, FUCK YEAH!
Wal-Mart, FUCK YEAH!
Baseball, FUCK YEAH!
Rock and roll, FUCK YEAH!
The Internet, FUCK YEAH!
Slavery, FUCK YEAH!
Starbucks, FUCK YEAH!
Disney world, FUCK YEAH!
Valium, FUCK YEAH!
Reeboks, FUCK YEAH!
Fake Tits, FUCK YEAH!
Taco Bell, FUCK YEAH!
Rodeos, FUCK YEAH!
Bed Bath And Beyond (fuck yeah?, fuck yeah)
Liberty, FUCK YEAH!
White Slips, FUCK YEAH!
The Alamo, FUCK YEAH!
Band-aids, FUCK YEAH!
Las Vegas, FUCK YEAH!
Christmas, FUCK YEAH!
Immigrants, FUCK YEAH!
Popeye, FUCK YEAH!
Democrats, FUCK YEAH!
Republicans (.....fuck yeah?, ....fuck yeah)
Sportsmanship, (....)Books, (......)
NEWS: More reviews coming soon!
Here's a teaser on my latest snus order... expect reviews to begin trickling in next week.
CatchDry Eucalyptus White Mini Portion
General Classic Licorice Portion
Göteborgs Prima Fint loose
Göteborgs Rapé Summer Edition 2013 Havtorn
Mocca Mint Mini Portion
nord66° Nordic Breeze Strong Portion
nord66° Strong White Portion
I'm really excited about getting all of these on my gums *grins* With the new Skruf line... opted to not try the chili flavor... don't get me wrong, Adam IS a pepper head (of epic proportions), but for whatever reason, mixing that sensation with snus just doesn't sound up my alley (more like gag a maggot), I could be wrong... and may revisit after favorable reviews by someone else brave enough to test those waters. Anyway, the mini's are for my little lady, but I'll make sure to steal a portion or two of each to give you a review... or maybe I can talk her into reviewing? Prima Fint is one I haven't had in a very very very long time (like 06 or earlier), so I'm looking forward to giving it a closer look... based on what snus girl had to say about it, I'm expecting a new favorite. Regardless, a few flavors in the bunch (so stepping outside my comfort zone a bit)... especially with the GB summer edition, but it's promised not be too sweet, so I've got high hopes for it too. Til next time, happy snusing!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
REVIEW: Lab Series 05
While Lab Series has been covered in my "Living Favorites" series, I didn't include 05... and I didn't write my initial review with a portion in mouth. So, this post will work to remedy both points. Let's start with appearance. The packaging for Lab Series is a fantastic, no frills approach to snus. It's a silver plastic can, with a slight metallic speckle in the resin, an average sized catch lid, with clear printed labels. This gives a nice illusion for the print to "stand" atop the can, almost giving it a mirrored look... an illusion of depth often seen in automotive painting. The overall presentation is very clean, very modern. 05 is the strong white version of the Lab Series... all of which being long portions, all of which being "non-drip". My primary aversion to many whites, is that they are too dry, and lend to lip irritation... that said, you will not have this problem with 05 (or any in this line). The portion material used is unique, it lends itself to a soft mouth feel... with just enough slack in the portion for it to easily mold to your lip and gums. The non-drip aspect is excellent... it's all too rare to find a snus that leaves your teeth white by the end of the day (assuming you chain snus as I do)... but Lab Series manages to deliver in this department... second to none. The shape of the portion is also unique... even as long's grow in popularity, I haven't seen another done this way. It's thinner than a regular portion, of course longer, but also has a slightly cylindrical shape... which in my opinion adds to the great mouth feel of this snus. That said, the 05 is a strong, and as with most increased nicotine products... is very alkaline (or basic).... which does cause I mild burning sensation on the lip... but it's mild and does not lead to irritation (swelling, rough patches etc). On to taste... which is enjoyable, but I stand behind my initial verdict of it being a bit too present to be my everyday snus (again, that speaks to my taste... I wager others will find palatable for daily consumption). It's medium to low on "saltiness" for Swedish brands, but still very savory in that respect. The flavors are very natural... first is tobacco, and then wood... I detect oak and cedar... even some fresh mossy or grassy notes, and the finest hint of tea. If I had to sum it up in as few words as possible, it would be; "salt, tobacco, and deciduous forest"... in that order. I don't notice any of the herbal, nutty, or floral notes that Swedish Match (and many vendors) have described... but that's not a bad thing in my eyes--in fact, I had to go back and edit "nutty" out of my original review (replaced by yummy *grins*). I've fallen in love with this line for it's function... great nicotine hit, discreet, and of course keeps your teeth whiter than any other brand. The taste is solid and unoffensive... refreshing, earthy, but just a bit too pungent and present to be my everyday brand. That said, there are times I CRAVE this taste.... when nothing else will do. So if you take nothing else away from this review, let it be: this snus has way too many merits to be overlooked... it's a staple in my ordering rotation, and I encourage you to give it a shot. Til next time, happy snusing!!!
Appearance: 10/10
Aroma: 9/10
Mouth Feel: 10/10
Flavor: 8/10
Nic Hit: 10/10
Drip: 10/10
Overall: 9.5/10
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
NEWS: Pics added... FINALLY
As promised (a month ago or so)... some pics have been added to (some) previous posts. See, I'm not a total half-assed-slacker... now am I?
DIYS: My process so far
Found this in my search, pretty much sums it up *grins*
EDIT 5/31/2013 So you might have noticed... I killed all the rest of my DIYS (do it yourself snus) posts. The reason being, my trials are coming along exceptionally well. While my blog may not be for the aim of making $$$, I am not without my fair share of greed, and I may just try to sell this stuff at some point in the distant future. Granted today it's no more than a pipe-dream, but being all forward thinking and what not, it would be counter productive to share my methods with the world. See, I can be a self serving douche too *evil grins* That said, I will leave you with this inane little video, and a teaser that a review of MY SNUS will follow soon!!! Til next time, happy snusing!
TASTE: Snus and Absinthe
I really wanted to wait til my order of General Classic Licorice landed before writing this... but alas, my inventory is too large to justify the purchase (damn those sales, and their appeal to my thrifty--read: miserly--side *grins*)... and I'm just too impatient to wait. Also, I figure a break is need from hearing about my DIYS project. Anyway, this pairing feature is another for the booze hounds... where my favorite European tasty beverage meets my favorite European tobacco product. That's right, we're going to give our snus some "green fairy wings" in this post. For anyone unfamiliar with absinthe, it is a legendary anise (black licorice) and herbal spirit praised by artists such as Hemingway and Van Gogh... only to be later stigmatized and banned for nearly a century (longer in some places) due to driving people "mad". Contrary to popular myth, absinthe does NOT make one hallucinate (or incite murderous rampages)... that said, the effects are quite different from any other alcohol I've tried.... in that, it does have some stimulant properties. When drank responsibly, I find it tends to make colors (primarily red and green) a bit more vibrant... AND makes me a bit more social, but unlike common alcohol... it's an articulate, refined sort of social (vs. the typical obnoxious, "what happened to my pants" kind of social). Take care when consuming en mass quantities... I'm a fairly big guy, who handles alcohol well... and I've blacked out (and conducted all manner of foolishness) on more than one occasion. Read: proceed with caution, and don't say I didn't warn ya. To keep it simple, I'm going to recommend two brands of the green fairy: Delaware Phoenix Meadow of Love (MoL), and Kubler. MoL being quite possibly the finest available for human consumption, and Kubler being hands down the best value (quality vs. price). You won't go wrong with either of these. If you're lucky, you might find Kubler in your local specialty liquor store ... but chances are you'll need to buy online. Regardless of which you choose, the preparation is an art. You'll need ice water, and (optional) sugar cubes/absinthe spoon. DO NOT attempt to drink it neat (i.e. shots), it's HIGHLY concentrated shit... and you'll have an 80-90% chance of vomiting if you disregard this warning. I suggest a 4:1 water to spirit ratio to start... maybe even 5:1 if you want to be conservative.... as the night progresses, I often stiffen them to 3:1... any stronger, and you're asking for trouble. On to the art... start with a "dose" in your glass... a dose being an ounce of absinthe (2/3 of a shot), and SLOWLY, slowly, slowly trickle your cold water into it. You'll see a beautiful louche (whitening/clouding) effect. If you rush this process, the essential oils of the concoction don't open up properly, and you won't get the desired taste... it should take a minimum of 1 min to pour your water in. If you want to go the traditional "ritual" route, place an absinthe spoon and sugar cube on your glass prior to adding water. I find adding sugar unnecessary ... but it's fun to watch the cube slowly melt as your water drips, and likely should be tried at least once... for nostalgia's sake. Once completed, you'll be met with a velvety-smooth, fresh/herbal/predominantly licorice beverage of pure yumminess... that drinks exceptionally well. Given the anise/fennel notes, I'm going to start by recommending licorice snus to pair it with--my favorite being Roda Lacket... I know, I know... RL barely (if at all) tastes like licorice BUT absinthe does bring it out... licorice snus is far from your only option... herbal snuses line up well too--such as Lab Series and Tre Ankre. Of course, "pure tobacco" snus (Grov, Ettan, GB Prima Fint) do very well with absinthe too. In other words, there are a lot of delicious flavor pairings to be made with the green fairy.... and I can't encourage you enough to try some (assuming alcohol is your thing). Regardless of your choice, you're in for a fine night of imbibing I guarantee... just be careful *grins* Til next time, happy snusing!!!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
TASTE: Sake and Skruf
I did promise to get around to alcoholic beverage/snus pairings... this is a favorite. Perfect for Samurai movie nights... If you don't have those at your house... epic fail my friend. Few things compare to the awesome of a Japanese dinner (sushi takeout, miso soup) copious amounts of fine Sake and a yummy Skruf finisher. *grins* Toss in pissy martial arts masters gut-checking one another with 3 foot long, fancy pig-stickers... (sorry, I might have gotten a little aroused there *winks*... er... not to mention off track). As with all things... I'm gong to choose to pair with the absolute best. In terms of sake, that means a ginjo or daiginjo grade sake. If you have a Japanese grocery in your area, I'd start there... otherwise you'll need to look online. Now, I chose Skruf due to the floral notes of sake. If you've never picked these notes out, it's likely you're not drinking the sake properly. To start with, I recommend you drink it chilled. Next, is the art of getting it into your belly. Namely, timing your breath... the nuances of sake come to life only when this is done correctly. The process is as follows; exhale completely, pound it back like a shot, then inhale through your mouth. A fine sake will pop like a firecracker when executed properly. Fresh, floral, and ever so tasty. Then add in the rose oil notes of Skruf... and they (the flowery tastes) line up exceptionally well. You may even want to swish the sake around and moisten your portion... since both the sake and snus are exceedingly mild, you're at no risk for gut-rot in the morning (I've got a VERY sensitive stomach, I would know). Well that's the first installment of boozing with snus... If for any reason sake isn't your drink... don't you worry, there are many more to follow. Til next time, happy snusing!!!
TASTE: Dark Chocolate and Snus pairing
Eating and tobacco use don't typically go hand-in-hand. In fact, under most circumstances I would urge you to avoid it (especially with los). But, I've found an exception in small squares of pure dark chocolate... specifically FINE dark chocolate with a low melt point... the kind that melts in your mouth. In fact, I'm only going to recommend two brands to attempt this with. First is Godiva (the wide thin bars)... these can be found nationally at just about any drug store (Walgreens/CVS for sure)... calling this fine chocolate might be a bit of a stretch, but it's readily available... and is at the very least, worthy of the title "good". Next, is Scharffen Berger (again the wide thin bars), definitely the best commercial chocolate on the market. If you can get something better (i.e. you're in Europe, or have a true gourmet market like Fox and Obel near by), by all means go for it. Whatever the case, aim for something in the neighborhood of 70% cocoa/cacao. I'm not going to give you a laundry list of which snus will go well with it (*cough* my favorites *cough*), just avoid the overly sweetened/flavored stuff. In fact, I'm not even going to try to do justice to the party in your mouth which results... All I'm going to say is... try this: Pop a snus in (ideally a portion), and then break off a small piece (enough to cover half your tongue) place it in your mouth. Don't suck or chew... just apply a little pressure, and agitate it slightly between our tongue and the roof of your mouth... until the chocolate melts/disperses.... swallow, smile, say "Mmmm"... rinse/repeat. *grins* If you don't enjoy this... you have no business reading my blog *shakes fist* Happy Snusing!!!
NEWS: Upgraded look and functionality
So I googled up (read: pirated... arg!) a slick back drop... did some reformatting... added labels and links. The result (I hope) is a more aesthetically pleasing, easier to browse/navigate Snus Tastings. For the moment, adding photos to my posts eludes me (read: user error, or more concisely user laziness)... but I will remedy it in due course. If you see any improvements... let me know, and I'll certainly consider and or accommodate them. Disclaimer... the bit about "pirating" is a joke, admittedly in poor (read: my) taste, if you happen to be the owner of this fine piece of art (or any others appearing here) and are offended by it's use... just let me know, and I'll happily take it down. Same goes for the links.
IMHO: Snusgirl.com
Just as an aside/follow up to my previous post (about more resources). I wanted to make special mention of snusgirl.com. I recently stumbled on them when researching products for my girlfriend (yep she snuses too). Anyway I was very impressed... and they have since played an important part in conceiving the misadventure that is Snustastings... yeah, I probably could have phrased that a little better, but what I mean is that their reviews and niche concept were a great inspiration for my brainchild (again, phrasing). *evil grins* All joking (and failed attempts at misogyny) aside, tons of really accurate reviews to be had there... Josie (one of their writers) has been especially friendly, helpful, and just all around cool as I got this project off the ground. Also, very refreshing to have a woman's perspective on snus. As a way of saying "thanks", they get the top seat in my links section. Anyway... lots of fun/cool/exciting stuff going on there, and I can't encourage you enough to check their site out, those ladies really are doing something special. Happy Snusing!!! P.S. I will get some pictures up on here soon Josie :)
SNUS 101: Where to find more reviews/news etc
In the event you're not a snob/purist like me, don't appreciate my taste preferences, or just don't like the way I write (read: you simpleton)... joking... I've compiled a list of other sites that I frequent for reviews/previews/news etc. Considering this is a fledgling blog, and I have an aversion to a significant portion of the products on the market (many flavored/sweetened snuses), these should be especially helpful. Of course, google will land you most of these... which I encourage, but I know these are good starting places: snubie.com, snuscentral.org, snusgirl.com. Links on the right side of the page. They will probably lead you to even more great snus resources. Happy Snusing!!!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
About this blog (organization, mission, purpose, and shit like that)
So a couple of weeks into this endeavor, and I'm starting to get into my stride. First topic, organization... since I'm a "only read the headlines" kinda guy, I assume a little categorizing will make navigating this half-assed attempt of a blog a little easier *grins*. The categories are pretty much what you think they are; SNUS 101 is an introduction to new snusers, NEWS new products/legislation, IMHO = in my humble opinion (which is anything but humble)... editorials etc, REVIEWS self-explanatory, and last but not least TASTE--the heart of my efforts, and where the connoisseur in me is most likely to come out. I will say that this blog is largely bereft of any mission or purpose... but if it had one, it would be "a shoppers aid for new snusers, and/or trusted source for experts". To that aim, I will do my best to keep this blog "pure" as in, not becoming a tool for tobacco manufacturers/distributors or government propaganda/special interest... if I'm to be labeled a "tool" for anything, it'll be my personality or what I do for my little lady in the bedroom *evil grins*. So, while this blog may be bursting at the seams with opinion/personal preference etc... rest assured that money isn't a motivator... I'd like to say politics aren't either... but that would be a bold-faced-lie... I'm a huge proponent of tobacco harm reduction, torn between Libertarian and progressive ideals. I do this out of my love for snus and because I love to "hear myself talk" or type... er... you know what I mean *grins*. You'll notice my writing style varies by mood... so some days will be dry and to the point, some will be full of piss and vinegar, some will be funny--but always it will be full of grammatical faux pas... overuse of ellipsis (...), my Wowhead emotes (*winks*, *grins* etc), pop-culture references... so if you're looking for something well written, better look elsewhere. *winks*
Friday, April 26, 2013
TASTE: Snus and hot drink pairings
My last post made mention of drink paring, and I think it warrants further exploration. There is something special about enjoying your snus with a beverage... and hot/caffeinated beverages are by far my favorite. Which should be no surprise, caffeine and nicotine are an amazing combination. Don't worry, I'll get around to cold drinks and alcoholic beverages later... So let's start with tea, anything that isn't overly flavored (see my favorites list) will go amazingly well with green tea... the polyphenols in green tea are known to be extremely effective at combating bad breath, and also serve as an excellent palate cleanser... The astringent qualities help to "waken" or "open" taste buds in my opinion the heat aids in the flavor release of snus. Combine all this with the cancer fighting/antioxidant properties of green tea, and I simply cannot think of a better tasting/healthier, calorie free way to accentuate your favorite snus. That said, you may want to steer clear of Japanese green tea varieties... as they tend to be VERY green, and a bit spinachy--which can overpower your snus. A Chinese style (lightly oxidized) green is much milder... recently I've been working on loose leaf Gunpowder Green. A few other great alternatives would be white tea, or spring bud oolong (a favorite with Lab Series). Jasmine green tea is exceptional with anything that has slightly sweet or floral notes (Roda Lacket, Scruf). Darker teas such as Assam Black, Black Pearl, Ceylon pair well with Ettan, Grov and General (and if you enjoy bergamont, I bet Earl Grey would go well with these too). I think that's enough about tea... now let's talk coffee. I highly recommend beans with an acid character... Kenya AA, Ethiopian Sidamo or Yirgacheffe would be my top picks. These really pop with the citrus and pepper notes of any snus... and I couldn't imagine the day my coworkers would be in for if I missed my morning pairing *grins*. Now if you're not a coffee/tea snob... you're probably thinking, err... where do I find this stuff? Sadly, I buy both locally. Tea I get from asian groceries... I think it's worthy of mention that I avoid Chinese and middle eastern origin in favor of Japan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, or Thailand (for quality/contamination/parasite reasons)... I know this may sound contradictory based on my green tea recommendation, but it's not... I was referring to style, not origin. I realize the coffee comes from regions that could be of concern too, but the roasting acts as an acceptable kill step in my eyes. If you look hard enough, there will be a specialty coffee shop in every major city... look for one that carries quality/fair trade/single origin beans (hint Starbucks and grocery chains aren't going to have what you're looking for).... hope this is helpful! Happy Snusing!
NEWS: Coming soon!!! General Classic Licorice Portion
Buysnus has this listed as shipping Monday. Now, you know I'm not a fan of flavors... BUT anise is one that I will make an exception for. Especially if it's not sweetened--which from the "Classic" moniker I gleam this one won't be (the word Classic is used to describe their savory/unsweetened mint). I can't wait to get my hands on this, if fact, for the first time in ages I'm a little sad about carrying such a large inventory in my refrigerator :P Well... I'll just make sure to have a nice absinthe lined up to pair this with when I'm ready to re-order (and get this little piece of hotness in). Needless to say, very excited about this one... be looking for a review soonTM.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
IMHO: Snus and health, an open challenge
So I've mentioned the significantly lower health risks associated with using Swedish snus. That said, I'm not a trusting person... I don't trust big tobacco, and I certainly don't trust government... so I'm putting an open challenge to all you savvy researchers to refute what google has taught me about snus and health. Namely, the only known/associated health risk is an increased chance of pancreatic cancer (this chance is still less than smoking). So, nearly a decade of casual investigation... and this is all I find. Since pretty much nothing is good for pregnant women, I'll concede that it's not a good idea for them either. In other words with the exception of these two points, all the commonly associated ill effects of smoking and/or smokeless tobacco use: Lung/Mouth/Throat Cancer, Heart Disease, Tooth/Gum Disease, Emphysema... etc, etc are either a non-issue, or are so statistically reduced when compared to other tobacco products that they warrant little consideration. Now, I'm not going to site the thousands of facts, figures and sources that have led me to this opinion (I'd rather put that burden on you), but I will say that www.tobaccoharmreduction.org is a good summary of what's led me to arrive at this conclusion. If you can show evidence from a reputable source that suggests I should alter my stance, I urge you to share it. Note: I'm not interested in "may cause" "linked to" or "suggests", I want figures from studies i.e. "x times more likely to cause...", percentages, ratios etc... so show me the data or don't waste your time. If you can do this, I will update this posting accordingly, and concede public "bragging rights" to anyone who successfully convinces me otherwise.
Monday, April 22, 2013
SNUS 101: Portions... so... many... choices....
Really, you go to one of those snus sites I recommended and you'll see TONS of options. I doubt this synopsis will cover every possibility but it will arm you fairly well for your initial shopping experience. To start with, a portion is basically tobacco in a single serving pouch (like tea bag material). They're primarily divided into to two schools, white and original... which can pretty much be summed up as dry and wet respectively. The white portions are just your snus wrapped in material. Depending on the brand, they run/drip a little less... and the flavor hits a little slower. The original portions are taken through a step to moisten the material (presumably with tobacco "juice")... the taste usually pops a little faster, some run/drip a bit more, and often the overall flavor is more pronounced. Okay, so we've got white and original... that's kind of the "type", then you get to size and shape (offered in either wet/dry or both). The most popular options are "regular" a typical .7-1g packet. There are also "long" portions... which are basically an elongated regular. Then there are mini's, which are roughly half the size of regular or long portions (possibly a little smaller depending on the brand)... and for most users will be pretty much unseen (these are great if discretion is a must)--they market a lot of these to women, so no shortage of cutesy little pink cans *grins*. You also have Maxi portions which are roughly 1.5-2x the size of a regular portion. I've even seen Midi's which fall somewhere between a mini and a regular in terms of size. So, chances are you'll find a size that fits your need and your lip. I will make it a point to say, these make a difference in taste. Especially switching from a white to original... my estimation is that moisture content changes how the tobacco ages, and you can see some noticeable differences within the brand/flavor when moving from one to another. Same could be said for varying strengths (i.e. I like... or should say dislike General Sterk White less than regular General Original Portions). Keep in mind that sizes will vary with brands up to 25% and so does the fill-rate or tightness, so a regular with brand X may or may not be as comfortable as brand Y's regular. The material/texture tends to vary from brand to brand too... some will be softer, some will be scratchy, some will be smooth... they're all fairly similar, but subtle differences can greatly alter your personal experience. Also of note when it comes to portions (especially if you have a dipping background), is that they work just as well as loose (in terms of nicotine delivery/satisfaction)... and you have the added benefit of easy application/removal (i.e. a los can be a bit of challenge to put in when you're driving). I know when I dipped, I hated pouches (they never felt like they got the job done)... you won't have that problem with snus. In fact, you can find some mighty strong/ass-kicking portions if you're looking for it. Regardless of which one you choose, placement is a matter of preference. I recommend putting it in your upper lip, somewhere under your nose... left, right, center... I tend to switch it up... sometime's I'll even double barrel it (read: two portions... one placed on either side of the connective membrane)... you can roll them in your fingers to loosen them up... you can fold the material vertically or horizontally to tighten it... how to do it is the fun part... play around until you get the perfect fit! Happy Snusing!!!
SNUS 101: Wow, how do I do this stuff? (Los/Loose)
Okay, so if you're new to snus (or Loose)... this will be a brief "how to" for you. You open the can, and an almost black paste stares back at you... what to do with this stuff? Well, you've got options... you can try to dip it (a pinch in the lower lip), I'm not a fan... most Swedish snus will fall apart from the drool generated from this position--btw, that bottom vs. top lip is what makes snus no-spit. You can shovel a US smokeless product in your top lip and the need to spit will disappear (or diminish greatly)... the shit will shred (read: irritate the hell out of) your lip, but it can be done. Option two is the farmer's pinch, top lip... pretty simple, grab however much you want to go up there and shove it in your lip (I usually follow it up with my tongue... kinda squash it in place). This method works well, but it will fall apart quicker than baking. Baking? Well, the typical jargon for snus is "baking a prilla", or forming a brick to put in your lip. You can do this by hand, basically squash it together and form the perfect pinch to put in your lip (google "hand baking snus" and you'll find some nice videos)... once you've perfected this art, nothing compares for los... the drawbacks are; a sizable learning curve (akin to hand rolling cigarettes), and dirty fingers/hands. Taking this route, I recommend starting with Ettan or Roda Lacket... by far the easiest to form in my experience. Option # 3, and most popular in my estimation... buy a portioner... a tool to bake your prilla with. There are two on the market (that I'm aware of), the Prismaster, and the Icetool... both work in essentially the same fashion. You stick them in your can of snus, tamp them down/tighten as desired, and then extract the prilla into your lip. The major difference being... the prismaster is very cheap, made of plastic (sub $5), it does a fair job, but your prilla/portion will fall apart more quickly... The icetool on the other hand is made of steel or aluminum (costs upwards of $50) and makes a very tight prilla... as good as (if not better than) hand baking. So think disposable bic lighter vs. a zippo. Both require a fair amount of upkeep in the cleaning department. I have both (though my prismaster has been retired since getting my icetool). Considering it's such an investment, I recommend buying the prismaster before getting an icetool... if you like the prismaster, you'll likely love the icetool (I know I do). Videos for both of these can be googled too. Happy snusing!!!