Tuesday, April 23, 2013
IMHO: Snus and health, an open challenge
So I've mentioned the significantly lower health risks associated with using Swedish snus. That said, I'm not a trusting person... I don't trust big tobacco, and I certainly don't trust government... so I'm putting an open challenge to all you savvy researchers to refute what google has taught me about snus and health. Namely, the only known/associated health risk is an increased chance of pancreatic cancer (this chance is still less than smoking). So, nearly a decade of casual investigation... and this is all I find. Since pretty much nothing is good for pregnant women, I'll concede that it's not a good idea for them either. In other words with the exception of these two points, all the commonly associated ill effects of smoking and/or smokeless tobacco use: Lung/Mouth/Throat Cancer, Heart Disease, Tooth/Gum Disease, Emphysema... etc, etc are either a non-issue, or are so statistically reduced when compared to other tobacco products that they warrant little consideration. Now, I'm not going to site the thousands of facts, figures and sources that have led me to this opinion (I'd rather put that burden on you), but I will say that www.tobaccoharmreduction.org is a good summary of what's led me to arrive at this conclusion. If you can show evidence from a reputable source that suggests I should alter my stance, I urge you to share it. Note: I'm not interested in "may cause" "linked to" or "suggests", I want figures from studies i.e. "x times more likely to cause...", percentages, ratios etc... so show me the data or don't waste your time. If you can do this, I will update this posting accordingly, and concede public "bragging rights" to anyone who successfully convinces me otherwise.
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