Thursday, June 13, 2013
NEWS: Gotland's Summer Snus (wild strawberry)
Is up and available for sale.... limited time, so if you're going to get it, scamper off to your favorite snus vendor and get it while the getting is good! I'm a fan of seasonal's... for sure, having had this in years past... (and considering my current, ample, personal snus inventory), I can say not to expect a review this time around. That said, I'll tell you what I can from memory (of last year's batch). Mainly, if you do go for this one, it should be because you love strawberries. This is another that's honestly a little too sweet for my taste, but the strawberry flavor was fantastic, and (like with many seasonal's) a great change of pace. A perfect follow up to any cookout, strawberry shortcake or a stiff daiquiri *grins*. A fun summer snus. Happy Snusing!
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