Tuesday, April 30, 2013
About this blog (organization, mission, purpose, and shit like that)
So a couple of weeks into this endeavor, and I'm starting to get into my stride. First topic, organization... since I'm a "only read the headlines" kinda guy, I assume a little categorizing will make navigating this half-assed attempt of a blog a little easier *grins*. The categories are pretty much what you think they are; SNUS 101 is an introduction to new snusers, NEWS new products/legislation, IMHO = in my humble opinion (which is anything but humble)... editorials etc, REVIEWS self-explanatory, and last but not least TASTE--the heart of my efforts, and where the connoisseur in me is most likely to come out. I will say that this blog is largely bereft of any mission or purpose... but if it had one, it would be "a shoppers aid for new snusers, and/or trusted source for experts". To that aim, I will do my best to keep this blog "pure" as in, not becoming a tool for tobacco manufacturers/distributors or government propaganda/special interest... if I'm to be labeled a "tool" for anything, it'll be my personality or what I do for my little lady in the bedroom *evil grins*. So, while this blog may be bursting at the seams with opinion/personal preference etc... rest assured that money isn't a motivator... I'd like to say politics aren't either... but that would be a bold-faced-lie... I'm a huge proponent of tobacco harm reduction, torn between Libertarian and progressive ideals. I do this out of my love for snus and because I love to "hear myself talk" or type... er... you know what I mean *grins*. You'll notice my writing style varies by mood... so some days will be dry and to the point, some will be full of piss and vinegar, some will be funny--but always it will be full of grammatical faux pas... overuse of ellipsis (...), my Wowhead emotes (*winks*, *grins* etc), pop-culture references... so if you're looking for something well written, better look elsewhere. *winks*
Friday, April 26, 2013
TASTE: Snus and hot drink pairings
My last post made mention of drink paring, and I think it warrants further exploration. There is something special about enjoying your snus with a beverage... and hot/caffeinated beverages are by far my favorite. Which should be no surprise, caffeine and nicotine are an amazing combination. Don't worry, I'll get around to cold drinks and alcoholic beverages later... So let's start with tea, anything that isn't overly flavored (see my favorites list) will go amazingly well with green tea... the polyphenols in green tea are known to be extremely effective at combating bad breath, and also serve as an excellent palate cleanser... The astringent qualities help to "waken" or "open" taste buds in my opinion the heat aids in the flavor release of snus. Combine all this with the cancer fighting/antioxidant properties of green tea, and I simply cannot think of a better tasting/healthier, calorie free way to accentuate your favorite snus. That said, you may want to steer clear of Japanese green tea varieties... as they tend to be VERY green, and a bit spinachy--which can overpower your snus. A Chinese style (lightly oxidized) green is much milder... recently I've been working on loose leaf Gunpowder Green. A few other great alternatives would be white tea, or spring bud oolong (a favorite with Lab Series). Jasmine green tea is exceptional with anything that has slightly sweet or floral notes (Roda Lacket, Scruf). Darker teas such as Assam Black, Black Pearl, Ceylon pair well with Ettan, Grov and General (and if you enjoy bergamont, I bet Earl Grey would go well with these too). I think that's enough about tea... now let's talk coffee. I highly recommend beans with an acid character... Kenya AA, Ethiopian Sidamo or Yirgacheffe would be my top picks. These really pop with the citrus and pepper notes of any snus... and I couldn't imagine the day my coworkers would be in for if I missed my morning pairing *grins*. Now if you're not a coffee/tea snob... you're probably thinking, err... where do I find this stuff? Sadly, I buy both locally. Tea I get from asian groceries... I think it's worthy of mention that I avoid Chinese and middle eastern origin in favor of Japan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, or Thailand (for quality/contamination/parasite reasons)... I know this may sound contradictory based on my green tea recommendation, but it's not... I was referring to style, not origin. I realize the coffee comes from regions that could be of concern too, but the roasting acts as an acceptable kill step in my eyes. If you look hard enough, there will be a specialty coffee shop in every major city... look for one that carries quality/fair trade/single origin beans (hint Starbucks and grocery chains aren't going to have what you're looking for).... hope this is helpful! Happy Snusing!
NEWS: Coming soon!!! General Classic Licorice Portion
Buysnus has this listed as shipping Monday. Now, you know I'm not a fan of flavors... BUT anise is one that I will make an exception for. Especially if it's not sweetened--which from the "Classic" moniker I gleam this one won't be (the word Classic is used to describe their savory/unsweetened mint). I can't wait to get my hands on this, if fact, for the first time in ages I'm a little sad about carrying such a large inventory in my refrigerator :P Well... I'll just make sure to have a nice absinthe lined up to pair this with when I'm ready to re-order (and get this little piece of hotness in). Needless to say, very excited about this one... be looking for a review soonTM.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
IMHO: Snus and health, an open challenge
So I've mentioned the significantly lower health risks associated with using Swedish snus. That said, I'm not a trusting person... I don't trust big tobacco, and I certainly don't trust government... so I'm putting an open challenge to all you savvy researchers to refute what google has taught me about snus and health. Namely, the only known/associated health risk is an increased chance of pancreatic cancer (this chance is still less than smoking). So, nearly a decade of casual investigation... and this is all I find. Since pretty much nothing is good for pregnant women, I'll concede that it's not a good idea for them either. In other words with the exception of these two points, all the commonly associated ill effects of smoking and/or smokeless tobacco use: Lung/Mouth/Throat Cancer, Heart Disease, Tooth/Gum Disease, Emphysema... etc, etc are either a non-issue, or are so statistically reduced when compared to other tobacco products that they warrant little consideration. Now, I'm not going to site the thousands of facts, figures and sources that have led me to this opinion (I'd rather put that burden on you), but I will say that www.tobaccoharmreduction.org is a good summary of what's led me to arrive at this conclusion. If you can show evidence from a reputable source that suggests I should alter my stance, I urge you to share it. Note: I'm not interested in "may cause" "linked to" or "suggests", I want figures from studies i.e. "x times more likely to cause...", percentages, ratios etc... so show me the data or don't waste your time. If you can do this, I will update this posting accordingly, and concede public "bragging rights" to anyone who successfully convinces me otherwise.
Monday, April 22, 2013
SNUS 101: Portions... so... many... choices....
Really, you go to one of those snus sites I recommended and you'll see TONS of options. I doubt this synopsis will cover every possibility but it will arm you fairly well for your initial shopping experience. To start with, a portion is basically tobacco in a single serving pouch (like tea bag material). They're primarily divided into to two schools, white and original... which can pretty much be summed up as dry and wet respectively. The white portions are just your snus wrapped in material. Depending on the brand, they run/drip a little less... and the flavor hits a little slower. The original portions are taken through a step to moisten the material (presumably with tobacco "juice")... the taste usually pops a little faster, some run/drip a bit more, and often the overall flavor is more pronounced. Okay, so we've got white and original... that's kind of the "type", then you get to size and shape (offered in either wet/dry or both). The most popular options are "regular" a typical .7-1g packet. There are also "long" portions... which are basically an elongated regular. Then there are mini's, which are roughly half the size of regular or long portions (possibly a little smaller depending on the brand)... and for most users will be pretty much unseen (these are great if discretion is a must)--they market a lot of these to women, so no shortage of cutesy little pink cans *grins*. You also have Maxi portions which are roughly 1.5-2x the size of a regular portion. I've even seen Midi's which fall somewhere between a mini and a regular in terms of size. So, chances are you'll find a size that fits your need and your lip. I will make it a point to say, these make a difference in taste. Especially switching from a white to original... my estimation is that moisture content changes how the tobacco ages, and you can see some noticeable differences within the brand/flavor when moving from one to another. Same could be said for varying strengths (i.e. I like... or should say dislike General Sterk White less than regular General Original Portions). Keep in mind that sizes will vary with brands up to 25% and so does the fill-rate or tightness, so a regular with brand X may or may not be as comfortable as brand Y's regular. The material/texture tends to vary from brand to brand too... some will be softer, some will be scratchy, some will be smooth... they're all fairly similar, but subtle differences can greatly alter your personal experience. Also of note when it comes to portions (especially if you have a dipping background), is that they work just as well as loose (in terms of nicotine delivery/satisfaction)... and you have the added benefit of easy application/removal (i.e. a los can be a bit of challenge to put in when you're driving). I know when I dipped, I hated pouches (they never felt like they got the job done)... you won't have that problem with snus. In fact, you can find some mighty strong/ass-kicking portions if you're looking for it. Regardless of which one you choose, placement is a matter of preference. I recommend putting it in your upper lip, somewhere under your nose... left, right, center... I tend to switch it up... sometime's I'll even double barrel it (read: two portions... one placed on either side of the connective membrane)... you can roll them in your fingers to loosen them up... you can fold the material vertically or horizontally to tighten it... how to do it is the fun part... play around until you get the perfect fit! Happy Snusing!!!
SNUS 101: Wow, how do I do this stuff? (Los/Loose)
Okay, so if you're new to snus (or Loose)... this will be a brief "how to" for you. You open the can, and an almost black paste stares back at you... what to do with this stuff? Well, you've got options... you can try to dip it (a pinch in the lower lip), I'm not a fan... most Swedish snus will fall apart from the drool generated from this position--btw, that bottom vs. top lip is what makes snus no-spit. You can shovel a US smokeless product in your top lip and the need to spit will disappear (or diminish greatly)... the shit will shred (read: irritate the hell out of) your lip, but it can be done. Option two is the farmer's pinch, top lip... pretty simple, grab however much you want to go up there and shove it in your lip (I usually follow it up with my tongue... kinda squash it in place). This method works well, but it will fall apart quicker than baking. Baking? Well, the typical jargon for snus is "baking a prilla", or forming a brick to put in your lip. You can do this by hand, basically squash it together and form the perfect pinch to put in your lip (google "hand baking snus" and you'll find some nice videos)... once you've perfected this art, nothing compares for los... the drawbacks are; a sizable learning curve (akin to hand rolling cigarettes), and dirty fingers/hands. Taking this route, I recommend starting with Ettan or Roda Lacket... by far the easiest to form in my experience. Option # 3, and most popular in my estimation... buy a portioner... a tool to bake your prilla with. There are two on the market (that I'm aware of), the Prismaster, and the Icetool... both work in essentially the same fashion. You stick them in your can of snus, tamp them down/tighten as desired, and then extract the prilla into your lip. The major difference being... the prismaster is very cheap, made of plastic (sub $5), it does a fair job, but your prilla/portion will fall apart more quickly... The icetool on the other hand is made of steel or aluminum (costs upwards of $50) and makes a very tight prilla... as good as (if not better than) hand baking. So think disposable bic lighter vs. a zippo. Both require a fair amount of upkeep in the cleaning department. I have both (though my prismaster has been retired since getting my icetool). Considering it's such an investment, I recommend buying the prismaster before getting an icetool... if you like the prismaster, you'll likely love the icetool (I know I do). Videos for both of these can be googled too. Happy snusing!!!
SNUS 101: How to quit smoking with Snus
Let me start by saying, that if you're one of those people who wants argue the semantics of "quitting smoking" vs "switching tobacco products"... and I mean this sincerely.... FUCK OFF!!! I am a non-smoker, completely independent of cigarettes, and have been for many years thanks to Swedish snus. My risk of pretty much EVERY adverse health effect from smoking has been dramatically reduced, or eliminated. My clothes, my car, my home... no longer smell like an ashtray, my wallet is some $200 fuller every month. Suffice to say, I win, and again it's ALL thanks to snus. Now, I will say that I was a SERIOUS smoker, a pack and half a day (minimum)... and I tried many of the popular quit-smoking aids with no success. The nicotine replacement therapy (patches/gum/lozenges) failed miserably... I simply couldn't get enough nicotine to suppress my cravings, nor was it anywhere near affordable, the antidepressants... well they just made me feel "off", but didn't stop the cravings... and given the laundry list of side effects (suicide, E.D. *ack!!*), I'm embarrassed to say I even put them in my body. Okay, enough about what didn't work... let's talk about snus, and why it did. The Reader's Digest version... more nicotine! I simply got more nicotine than I did when I smoked... therefore, I never went through nicotine withdraw. Even a mild snus will have plenty of nicotine to satisfy cravings if you smoke the strongest full flavor cigarettes on the market. i.e. I went from 30 Marlboro Reds to 1/2 a can of Skruf (original) daily... and never felt like I was at a shortage of nicotine... in fact, I felt like I was getting more! BUT, there is a lot more to cigarette addiction than just nicotine. There are plenty of other addictive substances in those things (literally hundreds of additives, thousands of chemical compounds)... and of course there's the psychological addiction. Suffice to say, replacing the nicotine doesn't make the urge to smoke go way... only time will do that, and the urge may never completely cease (example: to this day, I still want a cigarette if I'm drinking heavily). I'm happy to say, that with snus and a little time, it will become almost effortless to manage. The important part for me was staying ahead of my cravings. The hardest thing to adjust to is the fact that snus takes some 15-20 min to begin to satisfy that urge... whereas a cigarette fixes it on the first puff. If you're thinking "it's only a 10 to 15 min difference... what's the big deal'? then you've never been a sincere smoker... those few minutes can feel like an eternity in hell when a strong craving hits... and they can make or break your success in quitting. So know your triggers, and be as far ahead of them as humanly possible. For me, I always smoked after eating... so as soon as I finish my last bite of food, a snus is my lip. Shortly after waking up, I smoked... so right after opening my eyes, a snus went in. Directly after an orgasm (yes sex) I had to have a cigarette... so I got into the habit of tossing one in as soon as she shot me the doey-eyes (yes, I do the deed with a snus in my lip) *grins*--I'll take it a step further... and say if this turns her/him off, change partners, not tobacco products :P. Hopefully you get the idea... whatever your trigger, pop a snus in a little sooner than you would normally light up. When it comes to alcohol... I have failed so many times (and still do on rare occasion). My suggestion is, tone it way down... or eliminate it if possible... at least for the first month or so of being smoke free. Smoking and drinking go hand-in-hand for me, and I don't know that I'll ever shake that urge (when I'm three shades to the wind). That said, a couple of drinks and I'm fine... it's the "time to call a cab" nights that I'm really at risk (especially if there is a smoker in the group). While I'm on the subject... stay away from smokers! As much as possible, stay away from people who smoke, or at the very least people who are smoking. After about a month, or whenever your confidence is high enough that you're sure you won't cave... try hanging out with smokers in small doses. Also of consideration... never ever, ever, ever... run out of snus! Got that? If you're in the US like me, there can be a 3+ day wait for a delivery from Sweden. If you're lucky enough to have a local retailer of Swedish snus... great... now go find a back up source (in case they run out). Availability can be a big problem... and if you're thinking you can grab a tin of Camel or other American "Snus" (see my write up of American vs. Swedish Snus) think again... not only does it taste terrible, but it doesn't pack the punch of the Swedish, I would guess you'll have to use 2-3x as much, and even then you're running the risk of failing. I probably have 40+ cans in my freezer/refrigerator right now, and I never go below 3 cans (a 6 day supply for me) without more en route. Bonus points if you can get a buddy to join you (I got my brother on the snus wagon), we were able to spot each other a can if cut ordering too close (not to mention swapping cans to try different brands). So, let's review; know your triggers and stay ahead of them, avoid alcohol and smokers, and never ever run out of snus... do this much, and you've got a very good chance of kicking that smoking habit... it worked for my brother and I, and it can work for you. I'll also say, that if you fall off the wagon... don't sweat it, you didn't become a smoker overnight... you might not become a non-smoker overnight either... but if you have an earnest desire to quit, snus will be an invaluable aid in your quest. If you're anything like me, you'll notice an association shift in the process. Early on, the snus was a substitute for the cigarettes... later (about 2 weeks) it actually became a preference... in other words, given the choice, I would take a snus over a cigarette. Do some research on success rates of quitting smoking with snus and compare it to patches (or any other method)... you'll be surprised by the results. I've seen them reported as high as 50% (vs 1% for patches...)... now I'm not going to stand behind those figures (I didn't conduct the studies or put the sources under a microscope), but I will say that your chances are much, much higher with snus... I know this, because it worked for me. Well, good luck to any would-be ex-smokers reading this... I'm not going to say it's easy, but it's pretty damn close to it (especially when compared to other methods). Happy Snusing!
Friday, April 19, 2013
REVIEW: NEW Skruf Selection White (aka Natural Skruf)
Honestly, I bought this for my girlfriend (she loves rose scented anything)... it came in with the Grov I just reviewed. It's in a green can, and has a very tree-hugging, granola cruncher look to it (probably the earth tones and leaf images)... but considering that's exactly what they're going for, I wont complain. When I mentioned effeminate packaging in my Grov review, I will say Skuf is one of the worst offenders (with the exception of their los, which is in a black can). I don't think it's so bad that someone would mistake this for cosmetics (like the white cans). Okay, on to the tasting... and all I can say is read my living favorites Skruf review... it's spot on Skruf, only a bit more mild. I'm not going to attempt to rate the nicotine hit (as I've had a Grov Strong portion in all day), but it's rated a 2 on the Skruf scale. The portion is very comfortable, the flavor is pleasant (in fact, I think I prefer the mildness of this one). Very solid, definitely worth checking out. If you're looking for the pesticide free, naturally grown benefits... this one CANNOT be missed.
Appearance: 8/10
Aroma: 8/10
Mouth Feel: 10/10
Flavor: 8/10
Nic Hit: 8/10
Drip: 8/10
Overall: 8.3/10
REVIEW: NEW Grov Stark - Grovsnus Strong Original Portion
Just released, and landed on my desk this morning. First impression, what a kick ass can! One thing that's often bothered me about Swedish snus is their effeminate packaging (white cans, frilly fonts, flowers etc)... well that is NOT the case with this one. It has an almost military issued look to it. Brown label, black can, GROV in big black letters with tiny "stark" accent in red... hands down the most BA, manly can I've seen. The portions are original (meaning they've been moistened) and a full 1g per serving (many only offer .7 or less). I've found myself double barreling snus (putting in two portions) because of this... with Grov Stark I don't feel the need. There is also plenty of slack in the portion for you to arrange the tobacco in a comfortable position in your mouth... that said, it feels a bit abrasive (and I will make it a point to do a follow up on whether or not it becomes irritating). Now to the taste, which I will sum up as very VERY good... bold tobacco and a bit of spice are up front... a mild citrus in the back... nothing offensive going on here... savory, straightforward tobacco. A little earthy... and even an ever so slight creamy note. This is a very pleasant snus! Nicotine hit is very good too, and I've had no problems keeping a portion in for up to an hour. It's as if someone took the sweet/fruity notes out of my old love Claq Qui, or took the bergamot out of General... and said here, have some pure, bold tobacco. There's a good chance I'm looking at a new favorite here. ***EDIT 4/22*** A few days under my belt, and no irritation in sight... the abrasive feeling never went a way, but it didn't tear my lip up either (as feared). Also, I'll confirm my original speculation... this IS a new favorite, in fact... it has a strong potential to become my #2 (behind roda lacket). I'll give it a few more orders before doing anything drastic like revamping my list... but I can't recommend this one highly enough.
Appearance: 10/10
Aroma: 10/10
Mouth Feel: 9/10
Flavor: 10/10
Nic Hit: 10/10
Drip: 8/10
Overall: 9.5/10
REVIEW: Honorable Mention General Brand
Let me begin by saying this is one in a series of reviews of
General is the king of snus in Sweden... available in more strengths, shapes and sizes than you can shake a stick at. It is the "modern classic" as far as snus is concerned and many brands imitate it. It's the only real Swedish snus I've found for sale in the US (at tobacco stores, and even some gas stations). It's a solid snus. Bold tobacco flavor, citrus, and (ick) bergamot. Again, a matter of opinion... plenty of folks like this flavor... they like Earl Grey tea... I'm not one of those folks. To me, it gives a metallic taste to the tobacco... it's ever present, in your face, and I just don't care for it--they've also released a slew of mint, and "American" (read: sweet) style snuses that I appreciate even less than their classic. That said, I've been known to order General when it's on sale... buy it locally between orders... in other words, it's completely tolerable, just not a favorite... but tons of Swedes say otherwise... so I'd encourage you to try it in spite of my less than stellar review.
Overall: 7.6/10
REVIEW: Living Favorites #4 Lab Series Brand
Let me begin by saying this is one in a series of reviews of my current (available) favorite brands. It's important to note that most reviews will be of a single tin/product... but in an effort to condense my experiences, I'm going to start a little bit more broad... and address the brand's entire product line. I will say that in my opinion, you can't go wrong with any of the ones I cover in this series. As time allows (read: if/when I get bored), I will revisit each individually, but these should serve as a nice overview.
Lab series how I love you... with a yummy, woodsy, natural taste... it is a winner. In all fairness, I've only ever tried 02 and 07. Meant to be the evolution of snus, the lab series are uniquely shaped portions made from a special "non-drip" material. They've got a great mouth feel, really deliver on nicotine, and keep your teeth nice and white all day. The only thing that keeps them from being my every day user is the taste, while not in the slightest unpleasant, it is pronounced, and much like Skruf I find myself tiring of it after a while. Another plus is the packaging... very cool silver can, modern graphics... it's a conversation starter for sure. Definitely worth trying!
Overall: 9.5/10
REVIEW: Living Favorites #3 Ettan Brand
Let me begin by saying this is one in a series of reviews of my current (available) favorite brands. It's important to note that most reviews will be of a single tin/product... but in an effort to condense my experiences, I'm going to start a little bit more broad... and address the brand's entire product line. I will say that in my opinion, you can't go wrong with any of the ones I cover in this series. As time allows (read: if/when I get bored), I will revisit each individually, but these should serve as a nice overview.
I'm not going to say too much about Ettan, aside from... it's Roda Lackets big brother. Basically everything I said about RL applies to Ettan, only in place of that subtle fruity sweetness is a subtle smokiness... only it's even more subtle. AND with Ettan, you also have the option of an original (moist) portion (in addition to Los and white portions). If you want a straight, mild, (essentially) unflavored snus... Ettan is arguably the best you'll get... and much like my other favorites, it's fantastic (my brother is a die-hard Ettan fan). To my knowledge it is Sweden's oldest brand, the granpappy of snus! He's alive and well for a reason *nods*
Overall: 9.7/10
REVIEW: Living Favorites # 2 Skruf Brand
Let me begin by saying this is one in a series of reviews of my current (available) favorite brands. It's important to note that most reviews will be of a single tin/product... but in an effort to condense my experiences, I'm going to start a little bit more broad... and address the brand's entire product line. I will say that in my opinion, you can't go wrong with any of the ones I cover in this series. As time allows (read: if/when I get bored), I will revisit each individually, but these should serve as a nice overview.
Skruf is another staple in my rotation. It's flavor is hard to describe for the american palate.. but here goes the good old "college try". It has a bold tobacco flavor, mild elements of citrus, a slight spice, and a rose oil overtone. It's this last bit, the rose oil, that keeps it from being my everyday snus. Reminds me a bit too much of grandmas soap and I find myself tiring of it for anything more than a roll at a time. Now, what Skruf has going for it... is mouth feel. The los is one of a kind in the snus world, it's a larger grind, but something in their process makes it soft and almost fluffy... it is so comfortable. No other snus comes close. This is equally true of their portions. No irritation, quality tobacco, no frills packaging (the white cans are a bit girly though). I don't think you can go wrong with a Skruf product. Now, let me say that everything up to this point has been focused on their original flavor. They have expanded their line quite extensively in the last few years... they've had a Tranbar (cranberry) portion for quite a while, and it too is very pleasant. Just straightforward unsweetened cranberry flavor added... it's a win. They did a nordic licorice flavor (not sure it's still available) but it was a bit too sweet for my taste, and same could be said of the fresh mint.
Overall: 9.7/10
REVIEW: Living Favorites #1 Roda Lacket Brand
Let me begin by saying this is one in a series of reviews of my current (available) favorite brands. It's important to note that most reviews will be of a single tin/product... but in an effort to condense my experiences, I'm going to start a little bit more broad... and address the brand's entire product line. I will say that in my opinion, you can't go wrong with any of the ones I cover in this series. As time allows (read: if/when I get bored), I will revisit each individually, but these should serve as a nice overview.
Without further adieu... here's Living Favorites #1. No surprise, with Roda Lacket Claq Qui being an all time favorite, that I LOVE this brand. It's a mild(er) salty snus, with subtle sweetness and dried fruit notes (figs, dates, currants). It's available as a Los/Loose and White Portion. Hands down the best flavor profile on the market (in my opinion)... that said, their are a few drawbacks that keep either from being my brand of choice. With the loose, it's the grind... this stuff is so finely ground that it lends itself to "mudslide" (the pris falling apart and dripping down your teeth)... it also makes for an extremely dense snus... more like a paste. For anyone who doesn't mind the afternoon brown smile, this is an excellent choice, and one that I almost always keep in my refrigerator. With the portions, the mudslide is fixed... but the white portion material is very dry, and leads to irritation of my lip... combine that with the density of Roda Lacket, and it leads to a slightly uncomfortable experience.... that said, I do order it very frequently, because I've found nothing that rivals it in taste. This is one of the oldest brands for a reason... namely because it's an excellent snus. Any perceived negativity in this review should be taken for what it is, my hang ups on not making this my everyday snus... regardless it is a STAPLE in my rotation.
Overall: 9.8/10
IMHO: My favorites, RIP
Well, this might deflate my sails as far as being a savvy snus critic is concerned... but my two all time favorite snuses have been discontinued. My first love was Kardus Premium Blend. A loose snus that was cut instead of ground... it was so heavenly and mild that you could easily eat it with a spoon. A tobacco purist's dream, it was comprised of tobacco, salt and water... everything about this snus oozed quality... with hints of dried fruit and a subtle sweetness, it was truly a remarkable snus... hands down "my brand" while it lasted. Sadly it got the axe in 2006, shortly after my snus career began. On the plus side, they do offer a small batch Kardus Superior every year late in the fall. Keep an eye out for this vintage Kardus, as it will give you a good idea of the little slice of heaven that was once available year round in a 40g can... very expensive, but in my experience worth every penny. After the death of my beloved, and lots of snus sampling... I found my second (and last) "favorite" snus, Roda Lacket Claq Qui. It was a strong original (read: moist) portion of Roda lacket. With a very similar flavor profile to Kardus, AND the convenience of a portion, I was once again in love... that affair lasted until early 09 when it was nixed too. While I miss both of these products immensely, their deaths have meant a lot of sampling... A LOT of product jumping... and I've come to love many more for it. Also, as I've yet to find a replacement, I've yet to lock myself into a new brand, which means I can offer PLENTY of reviews... plenty of Snus Tastings!
Overall: 10/10
SNUS 101: American "Snuhss" vs. Swedish Snus
Okay, so if you're in the US, you've seen Camel, Marlboro, or Skoal snus pretty much wherever cigarettes are sold... they come in pouches, can be placed in the upper lip but that's pretty much where the similarities to Swedish Snus end. I find the US products to be much weaker in terms of nicotine content, loaded with sugar and flavors, and severely lacking in terms of quality. I've also yet to find any results on the TSNA (carcinogen) content (not that I'd try, because I think they taste like shit)... to take it a step further, I find it an insult to the fine products being produced in Sweden to even label the American products snus. It's much like comparing an american cheese food product (i.e. Kraft singles) to an exquisite aged gouda or fresh mozzarella. There is THAT much difference. In other words, there is no comparing real Swedish Snus and the US products that are called snus. The redeeming factor... is that my fellow (ignorant) Americans typically mispronounce snus with a short "u"... sounding something more like "snuhss", I do hope this trend continues and the proper pronunciation, "snoose" gets reserved for quality Swedish products only. I know... you're thinking... "how xenocentric of you Adam"... well, if the shoe fits, then I'll wear it... I make buying decisions based off of value (quality vs price), NOT patriotism. If we (the US) ever begin making a product that rivals Swedish in quality and price... I'll change my tune. 'Til then, I'm carrying the blue and yellow flag for MY tobacco products.
SNUS 101: Where to buy
Maybe you're lucky enough to have a tobacco store (or even convenience store) in your area that carries real Swedish snus... but chances are, the selection will be slim and I highly doubt everything I review will be found locally (unless you're in Stockholm). So I'm going to recommend a few of my favorite websites... all of which are good sources (quality, service, variety, value etc): buysnus, snuscentral, and northerner. Links can be found on the right side of the page. NOTE: I'm not affiliated with these guys in any way, shape or form, short of buying from them--in fact, to my knowledge these guys are in direct competition (read: don't even like each other). That said, some offer a referral program... (I'd be happy to supply my email address if you want to help me get "kick-backs"... just message me for it).
TASTE: A matter of preference
Before I start talking about or reviewing snus, I think it's only fair to mention my bias when it comes to these products. I'm not a fan of overly sweetened, or artificially flavored anything. I like my tobacco to taste like tobacco, not candy, or mouthwash, or kool-aid. I drink my coffee black, I drink my tea plain... that said, I only buy the best coffee (single origin fresh roasted beans), tea, and tobacco. I enjoy the nuances and subtle flavors in their most unadulterated states... in a sense, I'm a purist. So you won't find a lot of mint, or fad flavor reviews here... I will get the odd can to mix things up, but as a rule they're just not my can of snus.
Introducing the Snus Taster--Adam

I'm an American, who's been using Swedish snus since 2004. My search began with the aim of ending my 8 year long smoking habit (14->22 years of age)... with smoking bans on the rise, my teens behind me (read: a new found respect for my health)... I knew it was time to quit. I had seen success with smokeless in the past (namely dip, Copenhagen, Skoal etc) but as a junior executive, the unsightly spittoons, bulging lip and general inability to be discreet just didn't make it a good option for me. As a pack and half (sometimes two) a day smoker, gums/patches just didn't have enough "kick" to satisfy my cravings... so I began googling "premium smokeless tobacco", which led me to Skruf los. I made the mistake of "dipping" it, and after a few unsuccessful attempts and more searching, I learned the art of baking a prilla, and placing it in my upper lip. I was pleasantly surprised with the lack of salivary response, the lack of cravings, and the lack of sickeningly sweet kool-aid/mouthwash flavoring (of dip), the lack of development of leather lip (rough patches... from dip)... long story short, I fell in love with everything snus wasn't. To sweeten the deal, I found a can lasting me 2-3 days which made for quite the savings. In today's market it's at least 1/3 of the cost of cigarettes, even after factoring shipping from Sweden. Further research revealed that the carcinogenic content of Swedish snus was dramatically lower than that of US smokeless (and both being monumentally less harmful than smoking). So to recap, I found Swedish Snus to be an alternative to smoking (and US smokeless) that satisfied my cravings, is cheaper, discrete and less harmful... and I've been a happy snus user ever since. Well, that's the abbreviated back story to my love affair with snus... the purpose of this blog as the title implies is to talk about the different tastes/varieties I've come to enjoy, as well as anything else pertaining to snus. If you start a similar journey you'll find a dizzying number of brands, strengths, sizes etc available... hopefully this will serve as a resource to those following in my footsteps! A little more about me, I'm a corporate food buyer, a foodie, with a strong background in cuttings (comparing flavors), and I'd like to think a very refined palate. As such, I get courted by prospective vendors regularly... taken to the finest eateries in the nation... in other words I'm spoiled by fine taste on a regular basis. Call me a gourmet... call me a snob... call me what you will (trust me, someone has already called me something worse *grins*). Of course, you'll be getting more than a smattering of my taste preferences... so take my advice with a grain of salt or koksalt as it were *grins*.
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